Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation Question 7- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

What I believe I have learnt since first doing my preliminary task is the meagerly the technical side of making the type of media our project was based on. For example I have learnt to use the software that was key to the making and editing of our thriller opening. The software that I have come to learn how to use are garage band in which I made the sounds to match my thriller, final cut pro, were I made my actual opening and were I did all the editing and adding all the final touches to my thriller and also after effect in which i made my production logo. All of these type of software were at first a bit tricky to understand and use but once you have used it a few times it becomes more natural and is much more easier to operate.

Evaluation Activity 6

Evaluation Question 5- How did you attract/address your audience?

Audience profile for our product (task 4)

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Activity 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

In what ways does media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (evaluation 1)

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Thursday 9 December 2010

Garage Band

myself and my partner decided to make our own music/soundtrack to our thriller opening. however Aishah my partner could not attend the practice so I went along and created it incorporating ideas that Aishah and i had discussed previously. we were inspired by the music in the film seven and also the film nightmare on elm street. fusing these together i came up with the idea of playing to piano tunes together and then synthesizing one of them to create a hollow melody to go along with the first piano, overall it gives a chilling effect.

I also made another track but this time i did not use music but substituted sound effects instead to go along with the opening it is yet to be decided which shall be used.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Behind the scenes of filming (it is mostly audio we didn't know it was on)

We were getting ready for a section of the opening which required having coal all over mine and our actress Alena's face. (Aishah enjoyed the task of plastering it on our faces). Also we sound exited because we found a really good shot and that's why Aishah flips the camera up and down.

Friday 26 November 2010

working on our opening titles

This first image shows Aishah and I checking out and adding effects that we have chosen. for example the lens blur, this is used to make the titles slightly blurry. It also helps to make our titles look mysterious which then fits in with our actual opening. 
At this point Aishah and I are going into a bit more detail and we have started to make more detailed changes in the effects we have used in our opening titles. for example the amount of blur we wish to use and how much glow we want as to make the titles that bit more interesting and eye-catching. We are also putting in our key frames which will then determine at which point/order titles are to enter at which time and how.

We have just finished watching it and are now discussing what we like and dislike about it.
Starting to make changes so we can get the best opening titles we possibly can.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Audience Profile

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Production logos

In this production logo i like the way the background changes and with every change another part of the production title appears. i also like the coloures that are used as it goes well with the writing. the music is also good as every time the guitar does a shred the rest of the title appears also. the best part for me is the ending with all the images flooding in it gives a really interesting effect as it creates a range of coloures with every changing image.

Production logos

this production logo is a very well known one as it appears in a lot of films mostly for younger children. i especially like this logo as its effects are outstanding but are so simple at the same time. for example at the beginning of the logo it looks as if you are looking in the sky at the moon, but after a few seconds something falls and hits what you think is the sky but turns out to be water causing a ripple effect which looks incredible.  then after this the animation takes you up to look at the moon were a child is sitting on it and holding a fishing rod, the child then leans back and the title "DreamWorks" appears and rises above the clouds that look so real. also the music that is played with it is exactly what should be there.

Production logos

Production logos

Production logos

Production logo

We are currently working on our production logo by using after effects software. We have been looking at various production logos to draw from them and then use parts of them in our own.
Here is a link to a production logo that I find interesting.

I like this logo as it is not a long one and is simple but yet still very effective.
I also like the way that it does not take away from the name of the production as some productions do.

Production names and possible fonts mood board

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Sunday 3 October 2010


Camera Angles:
The shots in the opening of the film are mainly made up of close ups and extreme close ups of things that you would do every day but they are then made to look like sinister acts of murder. An example of this is when he is shaving and he then cuts himself and a single drop of blood falls into the bath, it is as if someones throat has been slit because the camera has done a close up on it exaggerating the truth which is that it is only a small shaving cut.

The lighting used in the opening is not too dark and not too light. As this is the case it shows that the show is not totally dark and black and is more on the light heated side.

The sounds used in the film are mainly natural sounds usually heard in that specific environment. For example the sound of shaving and the blade running over the skin. Another example is the sound of an egg frying in the kitchen. This gives the effect that the character leads a normal life as you can hear the sounds of his daily routine.

The soundtrack used is quite jolly and not loud and jagged like other thriller openings. This shows that the show is not all cut throat and bloody like other thrillers.

The editing between each scene is quite smooth and simple. This may be foreshadowing the way the show will be not to complicated. 

Special effects:
Special effects used in the way the text appears on the screen is quite interesting it is written in blood and comes onto the screen as if it is being soaked up by a cloth. This clever effect can reflect that the main character or the show in general is clever and witty.  

The opening engages and creates interest for the audience because it is different from other thrillers an also because of the techniques it uses.
It establishes the character Dexter as a killer even though it does not show him actually committing murder but it does insinuate that he does.


The lighting used in the opening of "Seven" is quite dark which gives the impression or foreshadows that the film will be dark also. the lights also set the audience for whatever type of film it is. for example high key lighting is usually used in comedy's and general light hearted films. low key lighting is usually use in thrillers, horrors etc.

The effects used in the opening are quite sharp and cut. for example the transitions between each shot are short, distorted and jumpy. This may give an impression of what the film may be like.

Camera angles:
Camera angles used in the opening are mainly close ups and areal views. An example of this is when there is a close up of hands turning the pages of a book, another example of a close up in the opening is when their is a shot of hands threading a needle. An example of an areal view is a shot of a pair of hands drawn on a peace of paper.

The sounds used in the opening are hollow and also synthesized. For example at the beginning there is a sound of an explosion and instead of being loud and sounding full of power it sounds empty. Also throughout the opening you are able to hear a sound that would usually come from a police radio so the effect of radio waves.

The editing used in the opening is good. For example the way the names of actors and titles appear at first distorted and then comes into focus. This keeps the viewer interested as they have to focus to see what it says. It is also the same for the transition for the slides 

Director Case Study


DOB- 13/8/1899

DOD- 29/4/1980

Nationality- British

Known for- His techniques used in his thriller films e.g camera movement and
how he built up tention and suspence.

Well known films he directed- Birds, Vertigo, Phsyco, Notorious etc.
The film he is most famous for- Phsyco.

Case study of "PSYCO"

"PSYCO" is an American thriller made in 1960 by British director Alfred Hitchcock.
The film is based on a book also called "PSYCO" which was written by author Robin Bloch. it was also turned into a screen play in the early 60s.

"PSYCO" stars Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins as the two main characters Marion Crane and Norman Bates.
The music was written by Bernard Hermann and Hitchcock was pleased with the end result as he said that "33% of the effect of Psycho was due to the music"

On the first viewing of "PSYCO" in had received a mix match of both good and bad reviews for example Bosley Crowther a well known and highly ranked film critic for The New York Times wrote "There is not an abundance of subtlety or the lately familiar Hitchcock bent toward significant and colorful scenery in this obviously low-budget job."

But in contrast the New York Herald Tribune reviewed the thriller film as  "..rather difficult to be amused at the forms insanity may take... keeps your attention like a snake-charmer."
The biggest proof of the films success was the seal of approval from the public and the box-office as there were mass crowds forming at cinemas full of people wanting to watch this astounding film. As far as box-office is concerned it reportedly obliterated records in Asia, France, Britain, USA, Canada and South America.

Thursday 23 September 2010

What is your favourite film genre

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

General Questionnaire

1) What is your favourite film genre?

2) Name your favourite actor and/or actress?

3) What is your favourite film of 2010?

4) What is the worst film you have seen this year?

5) Are you more likely to watch a film at the cinema, rent a film or download one?

6) Do you like films that you have to totally focus on or ones were you can pick up the plot from anywhere in the film?

7) What is your favourite type of  thriller?

8) What is your favourite thriller film of all time?

9) What makes you want to see a film? e.g advertisement.

10) On a scale of 1 to 10 how scared do you like to be when you watch thrillers?